I previously discussed that one of the secrets to restoring your vital energy and promoting health and inner-harmony is to experience the numerous benefits of yoga and Kundalini Yoga Massage.
The intrinsic benefits of yoga are well documented but combining it with the therapeutic benefits of massage increases those benefits a thousand-fold. Your journey to stress-proof your life and bring it balance will not only require you to make a firm commitment on your part, but also to the incorporate appropriate changes required, as only are able to identify your stressors.
When making these changes, however, don’t forget to include yoga and Kundalini Yoga Massage to provide a serene and solid foundation to springboard you forward toward living a more balanced life.
This book primarily focuses on integrating Kundalini yoga and massage to improve your overall health and well-being. Kundalini yoga massage should be performed by either a licensed registered massage therapist or someone trained in these techniques. The author and publisher are not responsible for any loss or suffering to the readers as a result of misuse of information provided herein.