This then leads to the question of what thoughts are, from where do they originate, and who is responsible for creating them.
Most ancient healing practices that include the science of yoga emphasize the direct link between the power of our thoughts and the physical and spiritual state of our wellbeing.
In one of my previous blogs, I mentioned that when you are physically or emotionally stressed, your body releases hormones that affect all of your other systems and organs, and the ensuing stress diminishes your body’s natural ability to heal. So, how do we develop the self-awareness to monitor our thoughts and gain control over them? In order to learn how to control your thoughts, you must first have an understanding of where these thoughts originate.
This book primarily focuses on integrating Kundalini yoga and massage to improve your overall health and well-being. Kundalini yoga massage should be performed by either a licensed registered massage therapist or someone trained in these techniques. The author and publisher are not responsible for any loss or suffering to the readers as a result of misuse of information provided herein.