Awareness occurs when there is a shift in our levels of consciousness. As human beings, we are a very privileged species who have the ability to think and use our thoughts creatively. Our thoughts can be used as powerful tools for good in our daily lives and to learn how to develop this mindset involves the journey of a lifetime, or as the saints and sages say, the journey of many lifetimes. There are many, many steps to be taken…..
Sagel Patanjai’s 8-step path to self-unfoldment or self-realization are listed as follows:
Step 1 – Virtue of good conduct:
Includes nonviolence, not harming other living beings, truthfulness, honesty, and marital fidelity.
Step 2 – Practising certain observances which include:
Purity of body, mind, and speech, acceptance of others, as well as acceptance of one’s circumstances, persistence, perseverance, self-introspection, and contemplation of a supreme being.
Step 3 – Asanas:
The practice of physical postures (asanas). Asanas…..
In this blog post, I will briefly outline Patanjali’s 8 steps that lead to fulfilled lives and balanced minds. The 8 steps are the virtues of good conduct, practicing certain observances and austerities, and the practice of physical posture, controlled breathing, withdrawal of the senses, concentration, meditation, and reaching a super-conscious state.
Through the practice of Raja Yoga, you can learn to control the body, mind, and senses, and change negative thought patterns by directing the mind to a view…..
Today, yoga—or more specifically, Raja Yoga—is one way to discover where thoughts originate. Raja Yoga also gives specific techniques as to how to monitor our thoughts and discover our inner nature by learning how to control our mind. At the present time, there is a wide variety of meditation techniques with different names, but all of the techniques have one origin and root, and that is in Raja Yoga.
Raja Yoga, sometimes called the yoga of meditation, is the profound…..
Coming back to the age-old question of where it is our thoughts come from, I would like to revisit the wisdom and discoveries of the ancient saints and sages. There is a branch of yoga called Raja Yoga, which literally translates to “The Royal Path of Yoga”.
Swami Vivekananda, who had a deep and profound understanding of Raja Yoga wrote as follows: “The basic goal of the teachings of Raja Yoga is to learn how to concentrate our minds and…..
Where do these thoughts come from? As far as most people are concerned, there is a large reservoir somewhere inside of our brains and nervous systems, churning or streaming out a barrage of thoughts over which we have no control, but there is nothing further from the truth.
We are actually the thinkers of our thoughts and subsequently, the masters of our own destinies. The concept seems simple enough, but it is in this sheer simplicity wherein lies the dilemma…..
This then leads to the question of what thoughts are, from where do they originate, and who is responsible for creating them.
Most ancient healing practices that include the science of yoga emphasize the direct link between the power of our thoughts and the physical and spiritual state of our wellbeing.
In one of my previous blogs, I mentioned that when you are physically or emotionally stressed, your body releases hormones that affect all of your other systems and organs,…..
In an earlier blog, I focused on the shocking truth about how negative self-talk can lead to a series of adverse physiological events that can make you sweat, cause muscle tension, and increase in your heart and blood pressure rates. Further, this can cause fear and anxiety and lead to dysfunction in our bodies.
This series of events is what is commonly referred to as stress. How do we develop the self-awareness to be able to identify the root causes…..
As we all know, repetition is an excellent way to learn. I therefore cannot emphasize enough the important role our nervous systems play in helping us to make and perpetuate the necessary changes required to live more balanced lives. In one of my earlier blogs, I talked about the serious impact that stress has on our nervous systems, and how the negative consequences can deplete our vital energies.
Although we are not always consciously aware of it, our brains and…..
I previously discussed that one of the secrets to restoring your vital energy and promoting health and inner-harmony is to experience the numerous benefits of yoga and Kundalini Yoga Massage.
The intrinsic benefits of yoga are well documented but combining it with the therapeutic benefits of massage increases those benefits a thousand-fold. Your journey to stress-proof your life and bring it balance will not only require you to make a firm commitment on your part, but also to the incorporate…..