In this blog post, I will briefly outline Patanjali’s 8 steps that lead to fulfilled lives and balanced minds. The 8 steps are the virtues of good conduct, practicing certain observances and austerities, and the practice of physical posture, controlled breathing, withdrawal of the senses, concentration, meditation, and reaching a super-conscious state.
Through the practice of Raja Yoga, you can learn to control the body, mind, and senses, and change negative thought patterns by directing the mind to a view…..
Today, yoga—or more specifically, Raja Yoga—is one way to discover where thoughts originate. Raja Yoga also gives specific techniques as to how to monitor our thoughts and discover our inner nature by learning how to control our mind. At the present time, there is a wide variety of meditation techniques with different names, but all of the techniques have one origin and root, and that is in Raja Yoga.
Raja Yoga, sometimes called the yoga of meditation, is the profound…..