Do not become perplexed by the complexities involved in practising the 15 MINUTE PRINCIPLE TO POWER YOUR PRANA.
Once you familiarise yourself with the basic steps and concepts involved, it will gradually become second nature.
As you embark on your journey of self-discovery or self-realization, your life will become enriched and you will become like a deep sea diver, diving for the purest pearls hidden in the depths of the ocean.
Now that you have a basic understanding of what prana and pranayama means, the next important step is to have a rudimentary knowledge of anatomy and a philosophy of the nervous system and how it works.
The fundamentals and foundations of yogic philosophy are based on the premise that a well-maintained and well-balanced nervous system is at the core of every integrated human. The practice of yoga is directly linked to the nervous system. It is through the combined practice of postures (asanas), specialized breathing (pranayama), concentration, and meditation, that the innate intelligent life force (prana) can be activated.
In blogs 3 and 4, I gave a brief discussion about the negative consequences of stress on the very delicate nervous system. In the blogs that follow, I will focus on integrating and unifying the nervous system, both from the point of view of Western Science, as well as from the point of view of Eastern Philosophies, for the benefit of your health and well-being.
This book primarily focuses on integrating Kundalini yoga and massage to improve your overall health and well-being. Kundalini yoga massage should be performed by either a licensed registered massage therapist or someone trained in these techniques. The author and publisher are not responsible for any loss or suffering to the readers as a result of misuse of information provided herein.