Awareness occurs when there is a shift in our levels of consciousness. As human beings, we are a very privileged species who have the ability to think and use our thoughts creatively. Our thoughts can be used as powerful tools for good in our daily lives and to learn how to develop this mindset involves the journey of a lifetime, or as the saints and sages say, the journey of many lifetimes. There are many, many steps to be taken on this journey and the development of self-awareness leading to self-realization is one of the first steps.
In our busy, everyday lives, how might one develop such awareness? In my experience, the first step involves finding the time to be silent. This is the first step in the 15-minute Principle to Power Your Prana.
When you choose to be silent, it means shutting out all external stimulation and distractions and focusing on your internal self. Begin with listening with your total consciousness. Become aware of as your breath goes in and out, listen to your heartbeat, feel the energy that is present around you, and feel how alive your body is.
Nobody on the outside can experience the beauty, serenity, and stillness that exists within you, besides yourself.
Do not read only the first sentence of “Desiderata”, but take the time (15 minutes daily) to experience that stillness. The opening words of “Desiderata” are as follows: “Go placidly amidst the noise and haste and remember what peace there is in silence.”
Remember: silence speaks!
This book primarily focuses on integrating Kundalini yoga and massage to improve your overall health and well-being. Kundalini yoga massage should be performed by either a licensed registered massage therapist or someone trained in these techniques. The author and publisher are not responsible for any loss or suffering to the readers as a result of misuse of information provided herein.